Friday, September 12, 2008

To the Fraser Valley Gleaners!!

This Wednesday (Sept 17) we will be going to the Fraser Valley Gleaners to serve by helping them prepare surplus fruits and vegetables that have been donated to be dried and made into soup for those in need. It's always a good time!!

We will meet at 6:30pm at the church and be back at 9pm (note the change in end time).

Also, on Friday (Sept 19) is the Annual MCC sale. Those who have signed up for a shift please meet at the Tradex a few minutes before your shift time. Head for the "Sausage on a Bun" stand (ask a volunteer at the entrance if you need help finding it). Also, if you don't want to wear a hair net bring a hat. For FoodSafe regulations we have to have our hair covered. I'll send out an email reminding you of your shift. And if you haven't signed up and want to help just contact Shannon.

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